detox pancakes

The detox pancakes They are suitable to incorporate into our diet, after going through periods of excesses, such as; on vacations, family parties, Christmas and even after a weekend, because during these cycles, unhealthy foods high in fat, sugar and sodium are generally consumed.

How do they work?

This type of pancakes are characterized by being a source of fiber, which replaces wheat with oat flour, an ingredient that is perfect for our daily diet and is highly recommended for athletes, since they have a high level of protein, because they have egg whites, as well as carob syrup. you can find many other pancake recipes online of all kinds, but only here we show you the detox pancakes.

These foods can work both to lose weight, since you will eat healthily and keep your body clean, they are also favorable for those who suffer from constipation, fluid retention, digestive problems, high cholesterol, as well as in individuals with high levels of triglycerides, acid uric acid and diabetes, given that they have a high content of vitamins, fibers and antioxidants, helping to regulate blood pressure, blood glucose and cholesterol.

However, the effectiveness of detox pancakes It will be positive, as long as a balanced and healthy diet is being carried out, which is under the supervision of a nutritionist.

Benefits and advantages of detox pancakes

Below we show you in more detail the series of benefits and advantages of adding the detox pancakes to our diet:

  • They prevent swellingdetox pancakes

  • Increase energy levels.

  • They improve mood and concentration.

  • They regulate triglycerides and cholesterol.

  • They control blood pressure.

  • They improve digestion.

  • They avoid headaches.

  • Optimize the immune system

  • Reduce binge eating and anxiety

  • Reduces allergy risks.

  • They avoid constipation.

  • They regulate blood glucose and insulin.

In addition, you will manage to lose weight, you will have lighter digestions and you will look glowing skin. Without combining these foods with daily physical activity, you will be able to get a better figure, without making much effort.

Foods you should eliminate

If you have added the detox pancakes to your diet, there are certain foods that you should avoid consuming so that they achieve their purpose. These are:

  • Gluten

  • dairy and eggs

  • Soy

  • processed sugar

  • Soft drinks, coffee and alcohol

  • Pork or beef

  • vegetable creams

  • Peanut.

What foods should you keep?

On the other hand, these are the foods that you can consume once you have included the detox pancakes to the diet:

  • Gluten Free Brown Rice

  • Legumes

  • Apple vinager

  • green leafy vegetables

  • Green Tea

  • Stevia

  • Coconut oil

  • Fruits of all kinds and seeds

  • Organic chicken, fish and turkey

  • Vegetable protein powders

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